Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hello world!

There are thousands of blogs devoted to a variety of topics. I found many of blogs to be very useful and helpful. These were mostly technical ones. Therefore, one day I thought that I could have a blog too! If I learn something interesting then I should share it as other people did. Thanks to many useful posts I was able to resolve quite a few programming issues or prepare a tasty dinner. As you can see now I am starting one as well.

One may ask: if there are already so many blogs indeed, why on Earth someone should read your one? I would answer that no one had to read it, however I hope that someone will be able for example to find a resolution to some technical problem or somebody will enjoy reading about everything and nothing. Whether or not my blog is useful, I can still somehow express myself and I expect it will be a pleasurable process.

What is this one going to be about? I don't really know. I thought mostly it will be about technology, but I read a few advices that I should keep personal and technical stuff separately. I will see how it works. Anyway, I have a plan to focus on writing about books I read, music I listen to, comedians that made me laugh or food that I have prepared.

So, let's give it a go!